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Jul 19, 2016

Video and Takeaways from Awwwards Conference New York City

Video and Takeaways from Awwwards Conference New York City

We continually strive to do one better with our conferences, we had high hopes for New York and it didn’t let us down. In the Big Apple from 16th-17th of June we had the pleasure of meeting over 450 Awwwards followers from all over the world who enjoyed 2 days buzzing full of networking activities including; a meetup complete with AdobeXD live demo and cold beers in the Stinkdigital offices in Brooklyn; informal drinks in Waterfront where agencies from the US and all over Europe made friends and finally the rooftop after party where attendees mingled with speakers and everyone agreed one thing - we love the industry we’re in.

There are a lot of problems in the is the answer to all of them. (Rob Trostle Droga5)

From the FIAF (French Institute) opposite Central Park, award winners, directors, CEOs and evangelists talked to us on topics such as designing for the real world , entrepreneurship, Emotive UI, and Wearables.The general themes which can be taken away from the event point us to the need for a more thoughtful future, the need to end shallow web design experiences, the importance of storytelling and empathy, and how accessibility can allow us to become more socially responsible designers.

Visit the NYC Conference landing page here.