They say photographing children is one of the most difficult tasks a portrait photographer has, but a guy like Jason Lee makes it look like a piece of cake. This wedding photographer decided to pick up his camera and capture his two daughters, Kristen and Kayla, as a way of keeping his mother up to date with how the girls were doing.
According to Lee: "most of the ideas come from the girls, from observing them play, or hearing the funny and outrageous things they say. Their day to day life also plays a big role for my inspiration (...) after coming up with an idea, I then 'set up' the scene, and often use artificial lighting to enhance the images. It helps to plan out the shoot before hand, so at most, I only have them in the shoot for a minute or two."
We've made a selection of 22 very creative photographs from this series for your inspiration.
If you want to see more works from this series, visit Jason Lee's Flickr Profile.