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Jun 16, 2014

Awwwards #LoveDays Conference 2014 - Rachel Andrew

Awwwards #LoveDays Conference 2014 - Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew, writer, speaker, web developer, and co-creator of Perch CMS, shared with us her thoughts on the possibilities that await us by way of proposed layout modules for CSS.

While some of these modules are at an early stage, Rachel believes it is important that designers and developers start to look at, play with and discuss these proposals. If they don't then they can't complain when the final specifications don't meet their needs.

Based on the work she has been doing for her Five Simple Steps Pocket Guide, and an article for 24 Ways on CSS3 Grid Layout, she introduces the proposed and upcoming modules for CSS.

The talk includes practical demonstrations of how these solve many of the problems designers and developers struggle with today so you may wish to follow along with her slides which you can find here.