365 Best Websites Around The World 2017 + Now: A Contemporary Landscape for Digital Thinkers
Get your hands on this pack for an unparalleled look at the current landscape of digital design. NOW outlines the situation with emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality VR or blockchain. The book delves into the rise of voice- based interfaces, image recognition, chat bots and other new forms of interaction that will substitute a great deal of our graphic interfaces. It takes a look at visual trends of note and their influence on the design of digital products.
“This pack of books encapsulates the true essence of the web right now.”
Collaborations with industry leaders and innovators
The second part of this book is a collection of case studies that give an overview of the current landscape of web design. Here, the secrets and steps taken by top digital agencies to create some of the most unique websites of the year are revealed!
Real industry data
We also reveal the results of the Awwwards Trends Survey, presented in infographics giving a snapshot of what’s being used in different areas, with graphics showing data about the uses of tools and software, libraries, programing languages, frameworks, hosting providers and the most popular prototyping tools used by our users.

365 Best Websites Around The World 2017 + Now: A Contemporary Landscape for Digital Thinkers
Printed Version

Now: A Contemporary Landscape for Digital Thinkers
Digital Version