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Hot Right Now Vol 3
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Hot Right Now

A Contemporary Landscape for Digital Thinkers: Volume 3.
By the Team
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12.00  $8.20 (Digital version) / 45.00  $42.50 (Printed Version + NoteBook) (50 units) (SOLD OUT)

We’re delighted to, once again, present our annual reflection on the sociological and technological factors which are forming the road map of the digital age, and how they will affect our performance as creatives, designers and developers.

Hot Right Now was devised to enable us to collect exceptionally innovative and brilliant examples of digital design that we see on our platform and others during the year.

“Many of these animations, visual effects or interactions, are capable of predicting, or, who knows - even shaping the future with their inspiring influence! They almost provide a portal to another dimension, transporting us to a not so distant digital future”

This book contains themes such as the end of techno optimism, AI Ethics, Deepfakes, the science of persuasion, engineering and hacking humans, the IoT and 5G revolution. With chapters within the field of visuals and interaction including, but not limited to:

  • Typography-Heavy Designs
  • Color Exploration
  • The New Visual Language: Emojis, Memes & GIF’s
  • Enhanced Paragraphs
  • MicroInteractions & Mini-Games
  • Hero Menus & Hover Images
  • Reactive Cursors
  • The Art of Loading
  • Back to the future: 90’s & 80’s

Featuring Case Studies from: Locomotive, Zhenya Rynzhuk, Resn, Anthony Goodwin and Aristide Benoist, and Watson Design Group.

Printed Version - A very limited number of printed versions are available, if you are lucky enough to get your hands on one, you’ll also get one of the highly sought after awwwards notebooks. (144 pages, Size 24x17 cm, Paperback, 2 colors + silver stamping)

But don’t worry if you don’t have the chance to buy the printed version, you can enjoy all the content of our book in our digital version.

Published and distributed by awwwards, January 2020.