Accademia del Lusso is an Italian fashion academy based in Milan, which is oriented towards creating a customised curriculum for each of the international students on its courses. The idea of tailoring teaching to perfectly nurture creativity and fit the abilities of each student was a great inspiration to us. That is why Gusto decided to put togther something special in a new collaboration with Uprising. From an academy that makes students express their creativity, to a website where the Gusto team had the chance to shine, this is how the You Matter project was born.

The Change as a Value
You Matter was born as a side project with the precise goal of enhancing the traffic to the corporate website of Accademia del Lusso, through an inspiring experience that could both attract the overexposed youth and be relevant for their tutors.
We also wanted You Matter to be a stand alone project, giving it the power to make people enjoy a mood, a lifestyle and a sense of fashion that follows the identity of Accademia de Lusso. The aim - to inform in an interactive way.

Gusto embraced the concept of change and made it real. But it was the post process and copy ideas which gave shape to everything in the middle. From actions to sound design, which provided a noir, yet very warm and welcoming mood. Everything dynamically rotates around a simple concept: things change, evolve, and become something else unexpectedly. This idea encapsulates perfectly the meaning of fashion. Design and development were thought to be the most comfortable nest for this concept to grow.
The videos are little boxed experiences of the main values of Accademia del Lusso and the You Matter project: three protagonists and characters who become personifications of those values, incarnating them and passing them to the users through their skin, their fluent movements and their expressive eyes.
The videos were designed to express elegance and purity, in a noir set where the digital WEBGL shader mask makes an extravagant effect that follows the actions of the user. When the click and hold happens, the magic starts.

Manifestations of texts
The copy played a fundamental role in the project: a sharp, futuristic mood was enhanced by a dynamic approach following 1910s artistic poetry representations, with animated texts coming in unexpected orders and building solid shapes.
The appearance of a Manifesto that kicks and breaks the relaxing black and white spell of the project, is a section that screams revolution.

In order to learn creativity, teach creatively

Glitch it
The effects used on the contents of You Matter coordinate every single item: actions correspond to visual interferences with peculiar sound effects, alongside movements and animation.

Company Info
Gusto is a creative agency composed of culture-devouring minds who have found a place to be and a special work approach to believe in. Working for and with Gusto means to put one's identity to the edge, expressing the bravest ideas and melting them into a project that not only satisfies the needs and taste of the client, but makes us proud as well.