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Dec 9, 2013

ENJOY YOUR PRIVACY wins Site of the Month for NOVEMBER

ENJOY YOUR PRIVACY wins Site of the Month for NOVEMBER

After yet another month of intense competition, the results of the Site of the Month competition are finally in.

It is our pleasure to announce that “Enjoy Your Privacy” by By Jam3, Leo Burnett, Method, and 567vfx is November's Site of the Month!

Enjoy Your Privacy

Built in HTML5 with our proprietary Copper framework, Enjoy Your Privacy is an interactive second-screen experience that gives users a view of might happen if their device is unprotected.

Second-screen experience

As if that weren't enough, this site takes us on an incredibly realistic and voyueristic journey inviting us to snoop our way through the characters' deepest, darkest secrets. A guilty pleasure not to be missed!

Site of the Month Certificates

Book winners

We also have the pleasure of announcing the winners of the ebook from Five Simple Steps "Front-end Style Guides" by Anna Debenham. Congratulations and thanks for participating in the Site of the Month vote!




Front-end Style Guides by Anna Debenham