Check out "Startup", an exceptional framework by Designmodo, which helps you design your websites quickly and easily. Based on a system of components and blocks, all you need is to combine them to create the website of your dreams.
What is Startup?
Twenty-five awesome samples to get your started
You have an important decision to make: are you going to start your site from scratch? Or, will you choose one of these 25 awesome samples to which you can easily add the blocks and components to achieve the site architecture you're after?
Startup Giveaway Voting Closed!
First of all we have to thank each and every one of you for your tweets and comments.
We can announce that the winner of this giveaway, valued at an incredible $249, is... @nvrch_
Exclusive 25% Discount for Awwwards Users
If you didn't win this time, not only can you test the Demo Version for this fabulous framework, but our friends at Designmodo are also offering Awwwards followers an exclusive 25% discount.
Enter the code: AWWWARDS here now!