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May 17, 2012

Interview with Loïc Dupasquier, a disgustingly young and talented Swiss designer

Interview with Loïc Dupasquier, a disgustingly young and talented Swiss designer

Loïc Dupasquier, is a disgustingly young and talented Swiss designer, now based in Oslo, Norway, and working for Bleed, a multi-disciplinary design consultancy, working to challenge today's conventions around art, visual language, media and identity.

Awwwards: Please tell us a little bit about yourself: who are you, where do you come from and where are you going?

Loïc: I'm Loïc Dupasquier, a 22 year old Swiss designer, now living and working in Oslo, Norway. I'm currently working at Bleed, a cutting-edge studio, working on lot of exciting interactive and graphic design projects.I basically started in multimedia while in school in Switzerland, getting in touch with all kind of fields, graphic design, interactive design, photography, video, 3D, etc… It was really useful because I really got some knowledge in every creative field. After that I went to work at Fcinq in Paris and Hello Monday in Copenhagen, for a total of two years. These 2 years were really exciting in many ways, it was mainly online advertising, using lot of flash projects. After that, I decided to leave advertising, to explore the design field more, so I was hired by Bleed and moved straight to Oslo ! It's an awesome place to be, and from now, I would love to find lots of new ideas, and try to experiment as much as I can in every project I get.

Awww: What did you do before becoming a designer / developer?

Loïc: Just obligatory school, which I finished at 15 years old. Then I moved to art/design school. I was always drawing a lot, I started using Photoshop at 13, and got highly addicted to it, so I did know pretty early that I really wanted to create for a living.

Awww: In your opinion, which is the future of the Web? (HTML5, Responsive Design, Flash, Mobile...)

Loïc: I guess mobile, in which I include phones and tablets, it's going to overtake desktop computers soon. Stats say 2015, but I wouldn't be surprised to see that happening earlier. From that point, we will need to work on lot of different screens sizes, and I think that's why responsive design is a trend that will just become a normal practice for every kind of website. And of course HTML5 is going to get bigger and Flash will die (I know, I'm pretty radical on that one, but that's the truth).

Awww: Where do you turn for inspiration?

Loïc: Everything. Most of my inspiration just comes from stuff that I see everyday, I try to get away from the computer, even if it's hard most of the time. I also take lot of inspiration from fine art, where you can really find lot of wonderful stuff that you can apply to graphic design. Also, I like odd, bizarre stuff I can find. I like things that aren't perfect. It makes them different.I have an inspirational blog called Yard, where I put what I found interesting on the web, but that's just a small part of my inspiration.

Awww: Which are your favorite studios, designers or agencies?

Loïc: Huh, that's a hard one. I would say studios like Universal Everything, Village Green, Ill Studio, Non-format, Hort, and Norm (that created the foundry Lineto). Also designers such as Peter Saville, Michael C. Place, Tom Darracott, Thomas Traum and Maxime Büchi.

Awww: Tell us about a unique story or funny anecdote related to your work.

Loïc: One day, I worked with a client that asked me to make the logo smaller. Unbelievable!

Awww: Which is you for: Mac or PC?

Loïc: Mac, for sure.

Awww: Which is your favorite software?

Loïc: Photoshop or Illustrator, both essential to my work, and I could not just pick one.

Awww: Which city do you live in? Is it a good place for designers?

Loïc: I'm currently living in Oslo. I think that Scandinavia in general is an awesome place for designers, because Scandinavians are design-minded, they really have a strong belief in simple things in general, and great design.

Awww: Which technologies are you excited about?

Loïc: Mainly processing, I think that it's a fantastic resource, that will really get to be exploited a lot more in the future.

Awww: Tell us about your latest project.

Loïc: I'm currently working on the personal project in collaboration with a friend, in which I do all the design. A music label, dedicated to underground and experimental electronic music. It's really exciting, and we hope launch it this summer.

  • Loïc Dupasquier

    Loïc Dupasquier
  • Self-initiated award-winning portfolio

    Loïc Dupasquier

  • Website for Nespresso Events.

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  • Record Cover.

    Loïc Dupasquier