Serena Mariani, Social Media Marketer and Digital Project Manager
Monday, 17th June from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
With the average click-through rate on a web banner hovering around 0.1%, AdWords & Facebook advertising getting more and more expensive by the day and the continued proliferation of the media landscape, content marketing is proving itself as a worthy technique to engage and retain new users for startups and brands alike. In this class, we'll cover the fundamentals of successful content marketing and look at how it can play a key role in helping establish and grow your business.
We'll discuss:
- How valuable content can help your marketing efforts and how to go from traditional “push marketing” to effective “pull marketing”
- How to plan a content marketing strategy which maps to your business objectives and your available resources
- The main channels and tools you can leverage to get started with your content marketing plan
Prerequisites: This is a Beginner to Intermediate course aimed at entrepreneurs, communications and PR professionals as well as sales people who want to grow their business and learn how to generate more leads online. No previous knowledge is required, however a basic understanding of the online world (websites, social media platforms, search engines, etc.) will help.
Preparation: None
Instructor: Serena Mariani is an award-winning, experienced social media marketer and digital project manager with previous journalism and PR experience and an online writer in her spare time. A citizen of the Internet since 1992, Serena received the Mark Hanson Award 2012 as “Best Social Media Communicator Under 30”. In 6 years of agency and in-house experience, she has been part of teams helping brands like Max Factor, Subway and PwC to successfully transition to the era of content marketing and social media.