David Walsh
David Walsh is a Web Developer and evangelist for Mozilla, technical author of David Walsh Blog
Conference and Meetup speaker (London AJAX, AustinJS, BrazilJS, Snow*Mobile, etc.), Core Developer for the MooTools JavaScript Framework, and creator of numerous MooTools plugins. David is formerly a Software Engineer at SitePen, Consultant for Best Buy and other large corporations, and contributor the Dojo Toolkit. I don’t design the sites, I make them work.
10 questions for David Walsh:
What did you do before becoming a designer/developer?
I put myself through college as a fast food manager. I learned quite a bit about patience, hard work, and leadership.
Where do you turn for inspiration?
My colleagues, both tech bloggers and Mozillians. I work with some of the brightest developers in the world.
Which are your favorite studios, designers or agencies?
I'm a big fan of Chris Coyier, Lea Verou, Paul Irish, and many of the other well known developers. They're not only bright but they're also super talented!
Who do you side with: Team Mac or Team PC?
Team Mac -- seems made for a developer.
Is your city a good place for designers?
Madison is starting to really blossom as a developer and designer haven. There are loads of developer groups popping up and I'm excited to see where it goes!
Which technologies are you excited about?
Front-end technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. I think that HTML5 apps and platforms like Firefox OS will start to get a head of steam.
How many hours do you work each week?
Too many; 40+ at Mozilla and at least another 20+ on various personal project.
Do you listen to music while you work? Describe your playlist.
I prefer TV on in the background, just for the noise. I'm not much a music buff.
What is your favorite book?
JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov. It's brilliant!
What is your favorite sport?
Soccer. I'm a die-hard Arsenal supporter.
Tell us your funniest anecdote related to your work
I think it's both funny and sad that I'm the only developer on my team that has a CS degree and I'm probably the least talented. :/