This book has the word “Likeable” in orange letters at the center of its cover. And that’s exactly what it is. In particular, reading Dave Kerpen’s personal anecdotes and experiences filled us with a warm glow.
Dave gives plenty of examples of successful social media strategies he has helped his clients to implement, without it feeling like he is plugging either them or his own company. And that is just the point. He shows us how important it is to offer valuable content and develop relationships with people, without always thinking about the next sale.
Likeable Social Media concentrates mainly on Facebook (the cover image is a giant version of Facebook’s thumbs-up “Like” icon), but it also offers valuable insights into Twitter, Youtube and Foursquare, among others.
The best thing we took away from the book was the motivation to treat people well, whether they are customers or not. In short, to be liked. The challenge for most organizations will be to translate those good intentions into action, putting Dave’s tips into practice to turn all the good vibrations into tangible results.