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Nov 16, 2017

Peter Smart: Design for the Future of Human-Computer Interaction

Peter Smart: Design for the Future of Human-Computer Interaction

Peter Smart, head of user experience and strategy at global design lab, Fantasy Interactive, gave a thought provoking talk about our relationships with our devices and how the lines between us and our technology are becoming blurred!

Devices are becoming our memory, the lines are blurring between us and our technology - these things are becoming extensions of us and more is going to change about the way we interact with our technology in the next 10 years, than in the last 200 years.

To keep up to date with the latest from Peter and Fantasy Interactive, follow them on twitter @F_i

You can catch Peter and many other inspirational speakers at our next conference Awwwards Berlin 2018 BE THERE! Get your tickets for valuable networking with top web design agencies and learning first-hand the latest trends from thought leaders.