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Au­to­mat­icTV needed a state-of-the-art web­site to pre­sent their in­no­v­a­tive ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence prod­uct that did not rely on data­bases to en­sure the site’s se­cu­rity. We mod­u­lated and de­vel­oped a web app in Re­act based on Next that al­lowed us to com­bine a high-level user ex­pe­ri­ence with a sta­tic web ren­dered on the server side.

React tecnology for a webapp experience

Sim­plic­ity on nav­i­ga­tion and a web not de­pen­dent on data­bases were the brief­ing cor­ner­stones. We work on a flex­i­ble in­for­ma­tion ar­chi­tec­ture aim­ing to an scal­able web­site made in Next with su­per speed load­ing for a we­bapp ex­pe­ri­ence nav­i­ga­tion through con­tents.

Tailored animations for a handmade identity

One of the most out­stand­ing fea­tures of Au­to­mat­icTV’s iden­tity is the use of hand-drawn strokes to high­light the main con­cepts. In or­der to en­hance the brand’s graphic iden­tity, we de­signed cus­tom an­i­ma­tions for each of the strokes, gen­er­at­ing dy­namism and re­in­forc­ing the brand’s sto­ry­telling.

Project Details

  • Animation
  • Contentful
  • next.js