Advocates Bureau Ivo Helory
Honorable Mention - Dec 6, 2016
Advocates Bureau Ivo Helory
We named our advocates’ bureau after St Ivo Helory, who is the patron saint of all those involved in jurisprudence.
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Artistsweb from United Kingdomartistsweb.com66666.00
Nicolás Fonseca from Argentinadribbble.com55555.00
Nicolas Lanthemann from Switzerlandvanderlanth.io67676.40
Alexandr Drobushevsky from Thailandokkapi.agency66666.00
Sborka Project from Russiasborkaproject.com98998.70
Ricardo Mendieta from Mexico75776.40
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com77777.00
Michael Bernard from Francemichaelbernard.fr78777.30
Monika from Polandfatthemes.com66666.00
Stephanvanderhoeven from Netherlandsstephanvanderhoeven.nl75676.20
Jithin from Indiaiamjithin.com67676.40
Pedro Campos from Portugalweareinnov.pt77877.20
Arnaud Saunier from Francemarindessables.fr87777.40
RomainGaillard from Francemataoro.com76666.40
Pixel Industry from Croatiadribbble.com77887.30