Arts Leeds
Honorable Mention - Oct 22, 2019
Arts Leeds
Arts has a huge reputation as one of Leeds’ original indie food hubs. The atmosphere is complemented by regular 6-weekly exhibitions of artwork by up-and-coming local artists.
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Votes (15/45)
Duall Studio from Portugalduallstudio.com78877.50
Mario Carrillo from Mexicomarioecg.com88888.00
Black Jesus from Netherlandsblackjesus.pt76786.80
Iquadart from Belarusiquadart.com88877.90
Gianluca Rinaldi from Italygianlucarinaldi.com78887.60
WDF from Czech Republicwdf.cz97988.30
Matin Nikookar from Japanmatin.dev97878.00
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com9109109.40
Vadim Khadakou from Lithuaniabitsens.com97878.00
Catalin from Romania78887.60
kamil-dombrowski from Polanddombrowskikamil.pl77777.00
Simon from Germany87677.20
24 pixels from India77787.10
Eskor Werbeagentur from Germanyeskor.de78687.20
Arnaud Saunier from Francemarindessables.fr66666.00