Ayre Hoteles Webiste
Highly visual website that invites the user to fly and let go to discover the secrets of all hotels. The user will find interactive pages and "Parallax Scrolling" which makes it more attractive and dynamic. It has a very clean design and easy navigation to give users access to the content of interest. Social networks are present to promote and exchange reviews related to hotels and services. Integration with Google Maps allows the user to quickly view the location of all the hotels.
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Votes (15/34)
Simon Daufresne from Francesimondaufresne.com66666.00
Nicolas from Francenizuka.fr65665.85
dolcestilnuovo from Italydolcestilnuovo.com56555.15
Carl Brenner from United Statescarlbrenner.co76786.95
Gaston Bouchayer from Francegastonbouchayer.com56565.25
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it56765.75
AB&CO from United Kingdomabandco.co.uk55655.25
Alexia Khokhlov from Russia77777.00
Mateusz Marszałek from Polandmarszalek.co76877.10
Alex Olmos from Spainalexos.es57776.00
Sarun Avancer from Indiadribbble.com44544.25
Marcus Griffen from United Statesmarcusgriffen.com65766.10
Thomas Mathey from Francethomas-mathey.fr66565.75
Julien Ledru from France56565.25
Stephenio Abbott from Barbadosstephonproductions.com77676.75