Brancott Estate Pioneers
Honorable Mention - May 26, 2014
Brancott Estate Pioneers
When Brancott Estate tasked us to create a historical timeline, our first thought was – how do we make history entertaining? The answer – we illustrated the 41 years of winemaking over a whopping 16,000px-long website. The Pioneers one-pager uses the Super Scrollorama jQuery plugin as a main animation framework and HTML canvas element for the chalk illustration effects. With such a mammoth project, we used a Grunt Javascript taskrunner to automate and streamline the production process within the team.
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Votes (15/58)
Flavien Guilbaud from Netherlandsflavienguilbaud.com75676.20
Nicolas Tarier from Francenicolastarier.com97988.30
Nicolas from Francenizuka.fr75776.40
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it65675.80
Florian Wacker from Germanyflorianwacker.de76876.90
Vasiliy Podtynnikov from Russiabasiliko.tumblr.com87877.60
Patryk Kachel from Polandblogonyourown.com77777.00
soppo studio from Polandsoppo.pl86877.30
Coldwaits from United Kingdomawwwards.com75776.40
Alex Pireddu from Italyalexpireddu.it88888.00
Alexandr Dryagin from Russianovado.ru86676.90
Simon from Germany66666.00
Kris Van Herzeele from Belgiumpixelatorz.be75776.40
Haider Ali from Indiahaiderali.me77777.00
Rafael Caferati from United Kingdomcaferati.me87987.90