drip pop
Honorable Mention - Aug 22, 2018
drip pop
drip pop is a fun rebranding project that allowed us to play with ice cream! In addition to branding + package design, we designed + developed an animation-full and hover-friendly site.
This website has been created using...
Votes (15/71)
Zajno from United Stateszajno.com87877.60
Adrien Vanderpotte * from Canadaavdp.xyz75766.30
Grégoire Mielle * from Francegreeeg.com87767.30
Théo Rosel * from Francetheorosel.com87677.20
Jade Dalloul * from Francejadeandalexis.com87767.30
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com99999.00
Simon from Germany76766.60
Vijay Kumar Tg from India98888.40
volga from United Kingdom75766.30
richardson from United Kingdom76766.60
vokhmianin from Panamavokhmianin.com88888.00
Eugen Shuklin from Ukrainethealpha.digital88888.00
Marcel from Czech Republic89988.50
Stoyan Staynov from Austria78997.90
JanGG from Spain87897.80