EPAM's website redesign
As EPAM has grown in measurable and important ways over the last few years, we wanted to reflect our unique capabilities and show that while we still remain true to our heritage, we have evolved and are truly a contemporary, global technology company. To reach this goal, one of the steps to take was to evolve our corporate website – provide a robust, scalable framework to drive awareness about EPAM globally through a curated, evolving experience for our key audiences. Key Highlights: New branded epam.com portal with mobile first UI/UX Adobe EM integration with CDN, HR and Marketing Systems, NASDAQ, Google products and services Highly-available, performance optimized architecture 99/100 User Experience RANK Single platform for multiple channels: web site, micro sites, extranet portal Analytics, Geo-Targeting, Localization
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Votes (15/36)
Adoratorio Studio from Italyadoratorio.com44343.80
Show + Tell from United Kingdomshowandtell.agency44554.30
Lime Creative from Greecelimecreative.gr55555.00
Alex Engzell from Netherlandsengzell.me44343.80
metrothemes from United Statesmetrothemes.me44444.00
Lawrence Giordano55464.90
keyrvinous from Philippines66666.00
Drew Negadobinaryanvil.com67676.40
Nila from United States55555.00
Jithin from Indiaiamjithin.com55555.00
subrat from Indiawebreinvent.com55555.00
pauljitta from United Statesdpdk.com55555.00
Hosein from Iran66666.00
Nyukie from Philippines66666.00
GS from France66666.00