Gender Map
Gender Map is a dynamic representation of how many women are found in boardrooms across the world, showing the discrepancies that still exist in the majority of corporate boardrooms. Based on data for almost 15,000 publicly traded companies - a nearly complete view of the global economy - Gender Map visualizes statistics about the representation of female executives on corporate boards. In 2013 only 11% of board members worldwide were female and got the proverbial "seat at the table". The United States is slightly below the global ratio with 10.4% women in 6,875 companies. Gender Map allows the user to slice and dice the 15,000 global companies by market, country, index, or industry. In Gender Map, each company is represented as a box on a heat-map colored by its gender ratio. Clicking on a box will bring up a detailed graphic of board members, including gender and tenure, as well as the company's market cap and revenue.
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Kryptis agency from Lithuaniakryptis.com55665.30
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Evgeniy Ryabtsev from Georgia77777.00
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Mary Pieroszkiewicz from Polandmarypieroszkiewicz.com45564.70
JeremyMeijer from Netherlands58576.10
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Maciej Fedorów from Polandmerixstudio.com55575.20
Quinlanos from Canada56866.00
Gonzalo A. Arenas Flores from Chilegonzaloarenasf.cl65665.70
camilo from Chile56665.60
David Wyssen from Switzerland55555.00
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