Glorias Latin Cuisine
Honorable Mention - Jun 23, 2014
Glorias Latin Cuisine
Gloria's is more than just a restaurant. It's an overall Latin experience with handcrafted food and beverage so full of flavor it reduces the diner to a state of bliss.
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Corentin Pellé from France77566.50
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it56675.70
Opificio Lamantini Anonimi from Italyopificiolamantinianonimi.com67666.30
Patryk Kachel from Polandblogonyourown.com77777.00
Vasiliy Podtynnikov from Russiabasiliko.tumblr.com66766.20
Alexia Khokhlov from Russia88888.00
soppo studio from Polandsoppo.pl66676.10
Emily from Germanytozen.de77676.80
Kristian from Italykwebsite.it66666.00
Jeffrey Kwok from Hong Kong - Macau76766.60
Chris from Denmarkgoogle.com88787.80
Andrew Jones from United Statesmetafuse.co88787.80
Simon from Germany55555.00
Haider Ali from Indiahaiderali.me77777.00
Mary Pieroszkiewicz from Polandmarypieroszkiewicz.com56675.70