God of War
Honorable Mention - Jul 6, 2017
God of War
Website for the new God of War video game. Interactive, WebGL scenes in "The Journey" give visitors an engaging, deep dive into the story, characters and playstyles of the game.
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Votes (15/53)
Laurent Canivet from Francelesanimals.digital88787.80
Signal-A from Polandsignal-a.work10101099.90
Antoine Pelgrand Kostadinoff from Netherlandsapkparis.com8109109.00
Boite à Oeufs from Franceboite-a-oeufs.com98998.70
Significant Bit from Swedensignificantbit.se87887.70
Hesam Bayat from Armeniapixudio.com77777.00
Dingzhou Li from Chinadribbble.com65555.40
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com99988.90
Michael Bernard from Francemichaelbernard.fr88777.70
Opryshko Bohdan from Ukraine88888.00
Alessandro Soho from United Kingdom66776.30
Pablo Uhach from Ukrainedribbble.com88888.00
laura-moss from United Kingdom87877.60
Simon from Germany77666.70
24 pixels from India88988.20