Grooveshark Careers
Honorable Mention - Apr 29, 2014
Grooveshark Careers
The goal here was to create a more comprehensive and visually interesting way for people to learn about Grooveshark and what we have to offer. Potential hires can narrow down their search to their area of expertise within 4 sub pages: Creative, Engineering, Business, Internships
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Votes (15/70)
EWM. SA from Switzerlandewm.swiss76646.20
Steve Mahn from United Statesstevemahn.com77777.00
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it56665.60
August from
Dingzhou Li from Chinadribbble.com88888.00
Patryk Kachel from Polandblogonyourown.com77777.00
Emily from Germanytozen.de77777.00
Kristian from Italykwebsite.it67776.60
Coldwaits from United Kingdomawwwards.com87877.60
Cleverkites from Indiacleverkites.com88888.00
Simon from Germany66666.00
Haider Ali from Indiahaiderali.me88888.00
Mary Pieroszkiewicz from Polandmarypieroszkiewicz.com67676.40
John Ashenden from United Statesweare.tm87867.50
Shokunin from Netherlandsshokunin.pro88888.00