HR Kit
HR Kit is a Business Social Media Startup. We designed and created the branding, the website and the promotional video. This is a full showcase on what we can do for startupers and more
This website was built with...
Votes (15/51)
Matchbox Studio from United Statesmatchboxstudio.com98677.90
Flatstudio * from Portugalflatstudio.co55565.10
Jade Dalloul * from Francejadeandalexis.com66666.00
gyormoore *gyormoore.com67666.30
Jopecuro I Designer & Marketer * from Portugaljopecuro.com77777.00
Mattia Rinaudo * from Italybehance.net65655.60
Mario Carrillo from Mexicomarioecg.com77777.00
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com9910109.30
Kraevskiy from Ukrainerambutan.site88888.00
Artem Saienko from Ukraine67656.20
Simon from Germany65565.50
Svetlana Babenko from United States77777.00
arus-hakobyan from Armenia88877.90
Evan from Italy66666.00
vokhmianin from Panamavokhmianin.com77777.00