Madea Milano
Honorable Mention - Apr 9, 2019
Madea Milano
Design freedom and passion for creating: Madea Milano takes the typical elements of tradition and re-invents them, revisiting materials such as methacrylate with new matches.
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Votes (15/28)
Noughts & Ones from United Kingdomnoughtsandones.com67776.60
Mario Carrillo from Mexicomarioecg.com87777.40
Ksenia Lashko from Ukraine77697.00
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com1091099.60
Gilber Jr from Spaincrucecreativo.com88877.90
Kraevskiy from Ukrainerambutan.site999109.10
Svetlana Babenko from United States76676.50
Evan from Italy66666.00
marjoagaj from Albanialinkedin.com88888.00
Saverio R from Italynyondesign.com76676.50
lisa-meersseman from Belgium87987.90
Dimitrankl from Greece88767.60
Lensky from Italylensky.it10101099.90
Alan Lgf from France87887.70
Robert C. from United Kingdom97988.30