Magic People Voodoo People
Honorable Mention - Feb 26, 2018
Magic People Voodoo People
The site balances between showcasing an extensive portfolio with the overall notion of not taking itself too seriously. Playful interaction and attention grabbing design go hand in hand
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Votes (15/61)
Zajno from United Stateszajno.com66676.10
FV • Digital Creative Agency from Italyfilippovezzali.com67886.90
Alpacka from Swedenalpacka.studio87877.60
Laurent Canivet from Francelesanimals.digital67876.80
Fine Thought from Australiafinethought.com77887.30
Amir Arhami from Iranarha.me66666.00
Mohammad Talebkhah from Iranlinkedin.com66766.20
Mohammad Javad Mashhadi from Iranlinkedin.com76876.90
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com88888.00
Alessandro Soho from United Kingdom77777.00
Simon from Germany66666.00
mark.espuerta from United States78697.30
Vijay Kumar Tg from India88787.80
Igor Zyuzin from Russia87777.40
24 pixels from India77777.00