Most Unprecedented Grad Class
Honorable Mention - Apr 26, 2021
Most Unprecedented Grad Class
To highlight the IDEA design grads of the pandemic year, we created a Zoom-like spoof site showcasing the portfolio work and fun personality of the most unprecedented grads ever.
Keep the focus in
these elements.
This website has been created using...
Votes (15/72)
UPQODE from United Statesupqode.com87998.00
oleksiifedorov from Ukraineoleksiifedorov.com76776.70
Kalok Yeung * from Netherlandskalokyeung.com76766.60
Mohnish Landge * from Indiamohnishlandge.com66666.00
Druhin Tarafder * from Indiadruh.in55875.80
Matteo Valentino * from Italytmvdesignstudio.com77877.20
Jordy Arntz * from Netherlandsjordyarntz.com67776.60
Mutaz S. Harara * from Australiabehance.net77666.70
Pavlo Tymoshenko from Ukrainepash.website85977.20
Harold AO from Franceharoldao.com1061098.70
Vijay Kumar Tg from India88888.00
maria-datsenka from Ecuador77777.00
Sergey Revin from Russiamitts.pro77877.20
bastien-g from Francehellomojito.com76776.70
Sebastian Wolf from Germanyiamsebastn.com88888.00