Nouvelle Noire Swiss Type Foundry
Honorable Mention - Feb 8, 2023
Nouvelle Noire Swiss Type Foundry
Nouvelle Noire is a type design and development studio based in Zurich, Switzerland. Working in a traditional way, we design type with an emphasis on modern techniques and technical options. All of our designs are developed with the awareness of type history in unison with a forward-thinking vision of contemporary visual strength.
Keep the focus in
these elements.
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Votes (15/19)
PopArt Studio from United Statespopwebdesign.net99888.70
Web-Systems Solutions from Ukraineweb-systems.solutions999109.10
Nikita Loginov from Ukrainenikitaloginov-co.webflow.io98888.40
Valentina Pastushenko from Serbiaimarketina.com910999.30
TheRoom. Design Boutique from Ukrainetheroom.boutique98888.40
Alyona M from Georgiaalenamaslova.com77777.00
Katia Ziadova from United Kingdomkziadova.tilda.ws98988.60
Aleksandr Tsapkov from Russia88888.00
Elizaveta Rypakova from Russiainstagram.com88888.00
Dima Kurlov from Ukrainedimakurlov.com99999.00
Maxim_Mazurin from Russia88888.00
Nikita from Russia899108.70
Berend van Druten from Netherlandsberendvandruten.nl99999.00
firangiz-nuriyeva from Azerbaijanbehance.net98988.60