Parimatch Tech
Honorable Mention - Dec 24, 2020
Parimatch Tech
Parimatch Tech is an innovative provider of tech solutions in the Gaming & Entertainment industry. We have developed the website to promote the company as the leading employer brand.
This website has been created using...
Votes (15/55)
PopArt Studio from United Statespopwebdesign.net98888.40
oleksiifedorov from Ukraineoleksiifedorov.com97998.40
Druhin Tarafder * from Indiadruh.in66786.40
Matin Nikookar * from Japanmatin.dev77787.10
Becomes * from Serbiabecomes.co78677.10
Denis Sizemov * from Ukrainesizemov.com991099.20
Félix Hieronimus from Francefelixhieronimus.com87887.70
Aleks Kirshin from Hungarymanon.design89988.50
Thoma Lecornu from Francethomalecornu.fr98998.70
M.Evstratova from Russia98988.60
asheluyy from Norway87877.60
wahabali from Pakistanwahabali.com89888.30
datmaside from Ukraine77777.00
iqqa.13 from Russiabehance.net98988.60
Moroz Eugene from Ukraineemoroz.space89888.30