pers is a Japanese music duo consisting of Mike Kai (poet) and Humming Bird (track maker), formed in 2010. Though their activity is independent and centered in a music scene called "poetry reading" which is unfamiliar in Japan. pers focuses on raising the level of Japanese poetry scene all the time and plays an important role as an influencer. We designed the website, logo and music video for them.
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FV • Digital Creative Agency from Italyfilippovezzali.com56555.30
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it55655.20
Ivan Grozdic from Serbiaivang-design.com55555.00
Wirefox Digital Birmingham from United
Vasiliy Podtynnikov from Russiabasiliko.tumblr.com76776.70
Patryk Kachel from Polandblogonyourown.com66666.00
Coldwaits from United Kingdomawwwards.com67656.20
Amir Sorouri from Canadaamirsorouri.com67666.30
Evgeniy Ryabtsev from Georgia66666.00
Roman Wagner from Czech Republicdribbble.com56455.10
Simon from Germany56555.30
Cleverkites from Indiacleverkites.com66666.00
flashblue from Turkeyflashbluedesign.com88797.90
Niko Pelz from Germanynikopelz.de67656.20
Mary Pieroszkiewicz from Polandmarypieroszkiewicz.com55555.00