'Portfolio' of Jacob Grubbe
Honorable Mention - Nov 24, 2014
'Portfolio' of Jacob Grubbe
Personal site of creative director Jacob Grubbe. You don't always need to complicate things to make them memorable - sometimes the simplest execution can put a smile on people's face (◕‿◕)
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Votes (15/83)
Julien Renau from United Statesjulienrenau.com88867.80
FV • Digital Creative Agency from Italyfilippovezzali.com65745.70
Flavien Guilbaud from Netherlandsflavienguilbaud.com86977.50
Pascal van der Haar from Australiabehance.net89847.90
PUSH from Ukrainewearepush.co7101068.40
SensioGrey from Francesensiogrey.com89888.30
Filippo Spiezia from Italyfilippospiezia.com67977.00
I-Creativ Studio from Bulgariai-creativ.net76967.00
August from Australiaaugust.com.au76736.30
Florian Wacker from Germanyflorianwacker.de76876.90
metrothemes from United Statesmetrothemes.me66666.00
ZED from Italy77777.00
Laetitia Lyne Prn88767.60
Lisett from Philippines67766.50
Jeffrey Kwok from Hong Kong - Macau77777.00