Providence Vantage Points
Honorable Mention - Feb 24, 2014
Providence Vantage Points
Providence College partnered with national branding agency 160over90 to build a new brand centered on the school¹s Dominican identity, which espouses approaching subjects from multiple perspectives. One of the first iterations of the new brand, Vantage Points is a video-based admissions microsite that showcases the college from the [divergent] points of view of students, esteemed alumni and college leadership. We hear from Sophia, who spent a year studying abroad and, in conversations with others, learned more about herself; from Hank, who is interning and making connections that will serve him over a lifetime; from Wilder, soccer team captain, who¹s found himself better equipped to balance academics, athletics and community activism; and from Alyssa, whose student teaching adventures have confirmed that strong student-to-professor relationships facilitate better learning. Doris, a Providence graduate and ESPN basketball announcer, reflects on how her well-rounded liberal arts education prepared her for any career. And Father Shanley touts the harmony of faith and reason within a Providence College education. In challenging viewers [aka prospective students] to look beyond a single frame of reference, 160over90's Vantage Points videos affirm that the strength of a Providence College education lies in multi-faceted learning opportunities. The site employs dynamic video backgrounds to introduce the microsite and each of the six video vignettes. And the 160over90 team built in two options for navigating the site: Explore, which advances the viewer through six pages, each anchored by a video and rounded out by related static images and statistics; and Stories, which directly routes the viewer to a menagerie of the six video interviews. The site is fully responsive and WCAG compliant.
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Votes (15/47)
FV • Digital Creative Agency from Italyfilippovezzali.com77777.00
Kalok Yeung from Netherlandskalokyeung.com87897.80
Gaston Bouchayer from Francegastonbouchayer.com77777.00
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it76666.40
Marjoe Bacus from Philippinesmarjoebacus.com77877.20
I-Creativ Studio from Bulgariai-creativ.net99999.00
Jekyll from Spainjekyll.com77877.20
Alee Foroughi from United Statesalee.me87777.40
Wirefox Digital Birmingham from United
Ilya Kraev from Russianovado.ru77887.30
Vasiliy Podtynnikov from Russiabasiliko.tumblr.com78887.60
soppo studio from Polandsoppo.pl78787.40
Kristian from Italykwebsite.it77777.00
Furkan Yavuz from Turkeyfurkanyavuz.com98888.40
Alex Pireddu from Italyalexpireddu.it88888.00