PS 6 The Lillie Devereaux Blake School NYC
Honorable Mention - Sep 26, 2016
PS 6 The Lillie Devereaux Blake School NYC
PS6 is a nationally recognized leader in public education that holds high academic standards for all students. Founded in 1894, PS6 is committed to providing a balance between academic achievement and personal growth.
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Artistsweb from United Kingdomartistsweb.com67666.30
Lime Creative from Greecelimecreative.gr77666.70
Nicolás Fonseca from Argentinadribbble.com65665.70
Victoria Bloom from Swedendezea.digital78877.50
hex-code from Ukraine77666.70
Amir Arhami from Iranarha.me66666.00
ICREA design studio from Russiaicrea.ru87777.40
Dima Braven from Finlanditmeo.com77777.00
metrothemes from United Statesmetrothemes.me88888.00
Hesam Bayat from Armeniapixudio.com66666.00
pjmg from United States77777.00
Drew Negadobinaryanvil.com87877.60
Monika from Polandfatthemes.com77666.70
Roman Vytak from Ukrainebambukstudio.com77666.70