Punch List
Honorable Mention - Jan 30, 2020
Punch List
Punch List is a mobile app that makes it easy for independent contractors and homeowners to complete successful remodels together.
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Votes (15/29)
Noughts & Ones from United Kingdomnoughtsandones.com99898.80
Black Jesus from Netherlandsblackjesus.pt78667.00
Ira Baranova from Estoniabehance.net9910109.30
UIG Studio from Polanduigstudio.com77777.00
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com98988.60
Jorge Maiden from Spainbufa.es96867.60
Vadim Khadakou from Lithuaniabitsens.com78877.50
Vijay Kumar Tg from India88888.00
kamil-dombrowski from Polanddombrowskikamil.pl66666.00
laura-moss from United Kingdom88888.00
Viktor Klimenko from Ukraine66766.20
iqqa.13 from Russiabehance.net87787.50
Arnaud Saunier from Francemarindessables.fr66666.00
Denis Sizemov from Ukrainesizemov.com78687.20
Moroz Eugene from Ukraineemoroz.space998108.90