Smash Post-Production Company
Honorable Mention - Jan 16, 2017
Smash Post-Production Company
Smash is a post-production company stablished in Barcelona since 2011. Born from the production company Limon. We post-produce commercials, music videos, online and fashion films.
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51North from Netherlands51north.nl78777.30
mediasoul from Italymediasoul.it66676.10
Lime Creative from Greecelimecreative.gr66586.00
SEIRIM from Chinaseirim.com99999.00
Kornilov Slava from United Statesdribbble.com6710107.50
Flatstudio from Portugalflatstudio.co1091089.50
Kohe Studio from Polandkohe.pl76876.90
alexis doyen from Francealexisdoyen.com87897.80
A–P & Co from Spaina-p.co10101099.90
Victoria Bloom from Swedendezea.digital77777.00
Black Jesus from Netherlandsblackjesus.pt76887.00
Wa from Japan365572.mom77777.00
Francesco Gallo from Italy77666.70
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com87787.50
Michael Bernard from Francemichaelbernard.fr87667.10