Swedish Seasons
Honorable Mention - Jan 2, 2013
Swedish Seasons
The essence of the project lies in portraying Sweden's beautiful nature during its four very different seasons. While also showing our cinematography and photography, and what we are able to pull off with some creativity and a camera in our hands.
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Votes (15/71)
Neotokio! from Italyneotokio.it87787.60
Simon Daufresne from Francesimondaufresne.com66676.10
Nicolas from Francenizuka.fr76887.20
dolcestilnuovo from Italydolcestilnuovo.com66786.45
David Wade from Indiavalorantsmurfshop.com76776.85
Gaston Bouchayer from Francegastonbouchayer.com75676.45
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it77877.25
AB&CO from United Kingdomabandco.co.uk65675.95
Alee Foroughi from United Statesalee.me56655.40
Dan Mindru from Denmarkmindrudan.com86797.55
Sascha Nau from Germanysnau.net76776.85
Petr Ondrusz from Czech Republicpetrondrusz.cz77887.35
Alexia Khokhlov from Russia88888.00
Mateusz Marszałek from Polandmarszalek.co91010109.50
Alex Olmos from Spainalexos.es77867.15