The G.O.A.T - Finding the NBA's Greatest. Of. All. Time
Honorable Mention - Jun 12, 2015
The G.O.A.T - Finding the NBA's Greatest. Of. All. Time
32 LEGENDS. SIX WEEKS. FIVE ROUNDS.ONE G.O.A.T. This interactive project uses public votes to help identify the NBA's Greatest.Of.All.Time (G.O.A.T).
This website has been created using...
Votes (15/33)
Adveris from Franceadveris.fr76766.60
Aristide Benoist from United Statesaristidebenoist.com66666.00
Flavien Guilbaud from Netherlandsflavienguilbaud.com66666.00
Alex Engzell from Netherlandsengzell.me66766.20
Black Jesus from Netherlandsblackjesus.pt77877.20
Alex Kursenko from Russiakursenko.com77887.30
metrothemes from United Statesmetrothemes.me77777.00
soppo studio from Polandsoppo.pl77777.00
ZED from Italy77777.00
Laetitia Lyne Prn88777.70
M-Provezza from Italym-provezza.com67876.80
Edward Garcia from United States78777.30
Simon from Germany76766.60
Dejan Milicevic from Serbiasap.com87777.40
Jithin from Indiaiamjithin.com76766.60