The Piece of Heaven
Honorable Mention - Apr 17, 2013
The Piece of Heaven
The Piece of Heaven art house project, led by Tampere Art Museum, livened up the urban neighborhood and built Tampere’s image as a city that values creativity. A total of 10 man-size art houses have been built; eight of these were located in the centre of the city , and two in the housing fair area in Vuores . Exhibition time was from 15th of June to 31th of August 2012.
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Votes (15/58)
Emil Jonsson from Swedentheworkofemil.com67776.50
Gaston Bouchayer from Francegastonbouchayer.com77766.90
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it67676.25
AB&CO from United
I-Creativ Studio from Bulgariai-creativ.net88877.90
Maxime Bérard from Francemaximeberard.com77877.25
GOTOANDBUZZ from Francegotoandbuzz.com55665.35
Robert Fiszer from United Kingdomrobertfiszer.com78787.25
Sascha Nau from Germanysnau.net67776.50
Matt Hofstadt from United States77676.75
Petr Ondrusz from Czech Republicpetrondrusz.cz77777.00
Alexia Khokhlov from Russia88888.00
Mateusz Marszałek from Polandmarszalek.co88877.90
Chris Schnedl from Austriachrisschnedl.com77777.00
- from Switzerlandaldoferrari.com66666.00