Yambo Studio
Honorable Mention - Jul 22, 2019
Yambo Studio
Yambo Studio is a CGI-driven design studio born from the idea of global collaboration. We specialise in the creation of vivid graphic solutions with an immersive level of detail.
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Votes (15/44)
Jordan Gilroy from United Kingdomjordangilroy.com898108.50
onofrio napolitano from Italynapolitano.io67776.60
Weichie.com from Belgiumweichie.com86787.20
eclipse from Italyeclipse.srl98888.40
Gavril Perov * from France889108.40
Mario Carrillo from Mexicomarioecg.com86977.50
Pierre Mouchan from Francepierremouchan.com87877.60
Indigo Slate from United Statesindigoslate.com98998.70
Catalin from Romania77887.30
Vijay Kumar Tg from India99888.70
Kraevskiy from Ukrainerambutan.site98998.70
Artem Saienko from Ukraine77777.00
24 pixels from India89888.30
Svetlana Babenko from United States88888.00
M.Λ.T. from Turkey6noran.com778107.50