The Big Web Show
Produced by 5by5 and hosted by Jeffery Zeldman and Dan Benjamin, The Big Web Show usually has special guests like Tantek Çelik, web standards lead at Mozilla and Jenn Lukas, co-founder of strong>Girl Develop It and discuss web publishing, development, art direction, content strategy, typography, web technology, and more. It's everything web that matters.
CSS Tricks Video Screencasts
The people at CSS Tricks created a section called Video Screencasts in which we can find all kinds step-by-step helpers, not only covering CSS but on all kinds of web design and development topics. These walkthroughs are all pretty useful, especially in video format.
Boagworld Podcast
Hosted by Paul Boag, co-founder of Headscape, and created in 2005, Boagworld is a really entertaining podcast where you can listen to Paul and his co-host Marcus Lillington covering any topic that can be of interest of web designers, developers or website owners.
Build and Analyze Podcast
Also served by 5by5, Build and analyze is great podcast that covers the main topics of the world of iPhone, iPad, iOS, and mobile web development. Build and Analyze records live on the air, every week.
Design Chat
Every Wednesday on Design chat you'll find live design discussions. It's a video and text-based conversation between creatives lead by Ryan McGovern, Andrew Tibbetts, James Gray and E. Sean Hampton-Gross. You can follow the conversation at any time on Twitter using the hashtag #DesignChat.
Creative Coding Podcast
Seb Lee-Delisle and Iain Lobb discuss the ins-and-outs of programming for visual and creative applications. They cover everything from Scratch to CSS to jQuery with special guests such as Jenn Lukas and Allison Wagner, front-end web developeres from Happy Cog and Doug Neiner from AppendTo.
The Web Ahead Podcast
Another 5by5 podcast. This one is hosted by Jen Simmons. With all types of guests they cover changing technologies and the future of the web, discussing HTML5, mobile, responsive design, iOS, Android, and lots more.
The Deeply Graphic Design Podcast
Wes McDowell, Mikelle Morrison and Brandon Voss, three web design pros, do a terrific job here. Each podcast covers a new graphic design-related topic, they answer listener questions and offer tips and advice in their “Do Yourself a Favor” segment.
The Official jQuery Podcast
Hosted by Ralph Whitbeck and Rey Bango, The Official jQuery Podcast is a weekly discussion with the key memebers of the jQuery community along with a look at what's currently happening in jQuery.
Shoptalk Podcast
Hosted by Chris Coyier, founder of CSS Tricks, and Dave Rupert, lead developer at Paravel, Shoptalk is an interesting podcast that covers everthing related to web design and development. They have special guetss every week and answer various listener questions.
What better way to stay in touch with the real-life current affairs of this business than listening to, watching or even chatting with the true pros of the field? Listening to podcasts can be a very passive experience, you can do it while you do other things, watching videos as walkthroughs is a great way to solve and doubts you may have.
There are plenty of podcasts and videocasts out there dedicated to web design and developement, but today we’ve selected only the best so you can stay up to date.