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Code Your Own Website (HTML & CSS Basics)

  • Language: English
  • Certificate: of completion
  • Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese (Machine translation)
  • Duration: 3 Hours

Have you ever wanted to create your first website, but think that it might be too difficult? Maybe you don't know where to start, or have tried and get lost in all the technical code jargon? Don't dismiss web design because you think that coding is too difficult because I'll let you into a little secret, it's easy! Take my course and I will teach you how to create a professional website without any prior coding ability.

Category Course format Language Duration Level
Code, UX Design Online English with Subt. 3 Hours Beginners

You'll learn how to build your website in HTML, style it in CSS and even host it online so your family, friends, and even other businesses can see it. In a matter of a few hours, this course will teach you the basics and get you up to speed with the world of website design and development quickly. By the end of the lessons, you will have created an attractive, professional, and mobile responsive website that you can be proud of!


What you will learn
in this course.

  • Lessons
  • Lesson 1
    Getting started
    • Intro
    • Tools
    • Materials
  • Lesson 2
    Basics of HTML
    • Website fundamentals
    • Basics of HTML - Part 1
    • Basics of HTML - Part 2
  • Lesson 3
    CSS Basics
    • CSS Basics - Part 1
    • CSS Basics - Part 2
    • CSS Selectors & Classes
  • Lesson 4
    Typography & Bootstrap
    • Typography in CSS
    • Bootstrap
  • Lesson 5
    Building the website
    • What we will be creating
    • Navigation
    • Intro
    • Changing the background
    • About
    • Why Us
    • Contact Us
    • Footer
    • Fonts & Links
  • Lesson 6
    Making the website mobile responsive & unique
    • Mobile responsiveness
    • How to make the website your own
  • Lesson 7
    Hosting & Conclusion
    • Get your website hosted online
    • Final words

Meet the teacher

Matthew Brennan

Developer & Creator

Matthew Brennan is an experienced web developer that codes and creates stuff online.


Course Content

Have you ever wanted to create your first website, but think that it might be too difficult? Maybe you don't know where to start, or have tried and get lost in all the technical code jargon? Don't dismiss web design because you think that coding is too difficult because I'll let you into a little secret, it's easy! Take my course and I will teach you how to create a professional website without any prior coding ability.


  • English
  • English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese (Machine translation)
  • Beginners
  • Access on mobile and Desktop
  • Full time access
  • Certificate of completion

If you have any questions about this course, please contact us

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